Thursday, July 23, 2015

Connect with Moms and Moms-to-Be With Preggie App

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Preggie App.
All opinions are 100% mine.

When I was pregnant for the first time, I had a lot of dog-eared pregnancy books.  I went for regular prenatal appointments and used Dr. Google and my family for support.  However, I had very few friends who were expecting or who were already moms. 

I wanted to connect with moms.

I wanted a community of women going through the same thing as me.

I needed someone who I could share my saltine crackers with because they were also going through morning sickness.

I needed someone to vent to when yet another person said to me, “You look huge”......when I was only six months along.

After having two late pre-term babies, I wished I had someone to talk to that had also been in the NICU trenches.  

Pregnancy is a joyous experience; yet it can be isolating.  In addition, being a new mom can be a very emotional time.  Even though you may know other moms, they may not understand what it’s like to battle infertility, to experience gestational diabetes, or to suffer a miscarriage.

This is why Preggie App is an amazing tool for women who are pregnant, new to motherhood, or simply want to engage with other moms.

The social network for moms is easy to download and is user-friendly.  It allows moms to express their emotions, joys, and trials in a safe community.  In fact, one thing that I think separates it from other forums or social networks is its ‘live monitoring’ which helps squash any mommy shaming or arguments that I so often see online.  

Once you download the app, you can upload a profile photo.  You can also choose to add your pregnancy status, or your kids’ names, their sex, and birthday.

Then, you can connect with moms both near and far.  The app has an option to enable your location so you can find other moms in your city for park dates and more.

You can upload pictures or texts, follow other users, and send direct messages.  You can also like or comment on other people’s posts. And, if you aren’t too fond of someone, you can block that user.  

Another great feature is the ability to search by content.  For instance, I typed in “morning sickness” and found plenty of moms asking, answering, and talking about their tummy woes.

The last time I was on the app I saw a message in my main feed where moms were asking other users to keep some NICU moms in their “thoughts and prayers.”  How awesome is that?  I also loved all the adorable baby pictures along with the real and honest nature of the posts.

A few more cool things about Preggie App:
  • added the app to its list for "200 Awesome iPhone Apps for 2015."
  • It’s available on iOS and Android
Pregnancy is a great time to make new, lifelong connections with women who really get what you’re going through.  This extraordinary app can help make this possible.

Come together with Preggie App!

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