Sometimes, I forget to breathe. When I’m excited, when I’m scared, when I’m angry, my emotions overflow and I forget to breathe. I just keep talking, crying, shouting, and then, suddenly, I’m breathless.
On many occasions, my children have caused me to stop breathing.
I stopped breathing during childbirth, when my daughter’s heart rate slowed due to the cord being wrapped around her neck. Laying on my back, I felt helpless.
I stopped breathing when I took my newborn son to the doctor because something just didn’t seem right and they told me his body temperature was dangerously low.
It’s hard to stay calm and keep breathing when our kids get hurt or when we feel overwhelmed or pushed to our limit.
But breathing is essential for living. Without oxygen, we will soon be lifeless. Additionally, when we don't take care of ourselves, we can’t to take care of our children. I mean, there’s a reason why the flight attendants tell parents to put the oxygen mask on yourself before you try to help your children.
As parents, we need those slow, deep breaths to calm us down, to remind us that this is just one moment in the book of life. Tweet this:
So, when your toddler is throwing a tantrum and you feel like the whole world is staring at you, just breathe.
When salty tears are bathing your face because you feel like you’re the worst mom and you’re not doing anything right, just breathe.
When you’re racing around because there is too much to do and not enough time, just breathe.
Breathe in the smell of your children’s freshly washed hair when they cuddle with you at night.
Breathe in the aroma of your morning coffee, whether it be hot, warm, or stone cold.
Breathe in the moments of beauty, the silver linings, all the small, good things.
When everyone else has gone to sleep, breathe in the quiet night air. Breathe out all the negativity. Exhale and remember you can’t control everything.
Remember that it’s okay to feel anxiety, frustration, sadness,….it means you’re human.
Breathe in, breathe out, deep, deliberate breaths, you’re doing just fine!
How do you prevent frustration and stress from taking over?
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