Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Liebster Award: My First Nomination

I’m thrilled to be nominated for The Liebster Award! Liebster is German for beloved.

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My blog is coming up on its two month anniversary.  I’m still learning a lot about the blogging world and I’m happy to be connecting with other bloggers.  The Liebster award is a way to appreciate the blogs you enjoy reading.  Thank you to Katie from Views From The Stepstool for the nomination.  

Here’s how The Liebster Award works:

1. Each person who is nominated should post 11 things about themselves.

2. You must also answer the questions that the tagger set for you in addition to creating 11 questions for the individuals you nominate to answer.

3. Nominate 5 – 11 of your favorite bloggers and link them in your post.  I don’t know a lot about the qualifications for The Liebster award.  However, I  have read that nominees are supposed to have no more than 200 followers. 

4. Visit  your nominees’ pages and inform them of your nomination.

5. Thank and link back to the person’s blog who nominated you.

So here are 11 interesting things about myself:

1.  Before becoming a mom, I was a teacher.  I taught mostly upper grade elementary students.  I also taught a beginning English college class.  I was very young and half of my students were older than me.  

2.  Two years after I was married, my husband and I went to Italy for a two-week tour.  We saw Rome, Sorrento, the Island of Capri, Lake Como and many more places.  I ate gelato everyday!  

3.   I have a personal relationship with Jesus!  Horrible things happen in the world everyday but Jesus is my rock.

4.  Both of my children were late preterm.  In both situations my water broke a little over a month early.  I had to be induced.  Luckily, both kids didn’t have to stay in the NICU too long.

5.  I have four animals, two cats and two dogs.   One of my dogs has three legs.  As a tripod, she gets a lot of attention when we are out and about.   

6.   I went to UCSD in La Jolla, California.  I became accustomed to foggy sunsets, runs along the beach and wearing flip flops 364 out of 365 days of the year.  

7.  My husband and I met on a blind date.  My good friend from high school set us up.  The funny thing is, he went to college in my hometown.   I always wondered if our paths crossed, before we knew each other, and we didn’t even know it.

8.  I am not a morning person.  I love staying up late.  My family knows not to mess with me when I’m tired. 

9.  In college, I majored in Writing and Literature.  I had an internship at a San Diego based magazine.   However, I got pneumonia and had to give my internship up.   When I had kids, I started writing online freelance articles. I have published over 2000 articles.  

10.  I enjoy running...but not too far.  In high school, I was on the 4x100 and 4x400 relay teams.  The last race I ran was the Coronado Bridge Race.  I really want to do a mud run but need to do some serious training.

11. I love sharks. I find them fascinating and hope to see a Great White up close one day.

Here are my answers to Katie’s questions:
1.  How do you decide what to write about?

I write about daily events that inspire me, touch my heart, or make me feel frustrated!   I keep a journal about topics that interest me.  

2. What inspired your blog name?

It was very hard for me to pick a name.  However, since I live in Southern California, I’m often at the beach.   The beach is somewhat of a symbol for my life as a mom and how I’m Wading through Motherhood.  

3. What was the best present ever given to you?

My children.  I consider them a gift from God.  Children truly are precious and should be appreciated.  I wish all children were considered gifts.

4. Where is the most beautiful place you have ever been?

The Island of Capri in Italy.  The also have lemon chocolate, lemon doughnuts. In other words, the food is beautiful too.

5. What is the best job you've ever had?

I used to be a teacher.  That was pretty great.  However, when my kids were born, I became a freelance writer.  Now, I have a hard time thinking about going days without writing.  I love it and I think it’s wonderful to be paid for something you love to do.   As a mom, even though I have deadlines, I enjoy the flexibility of the schedule and being able to take my daughter to school.
6. Where would you like to vacation next?

I love Salt Creek in Dana Point.  I honeymooned there.  It’s not terribly far away but California has so many beautiful beaches, I don’t have to travel far to experience breathtaking sites.  

7. Favorite social media platform?

I enjoy the interaction on Facebook.  It was the first social media platform I became involved with so I’m familiar with it.  

8. What is something as a parent that you do/will do different than your parents did?

My parents were/are awesome.   I suppose I’ll have to be more vigilant about social media/cell phone use.   My parents didn’t have to deal with that when we were growing up.

9. What is your favorite family tradition?

I like going to look at Christmas lights as a family.   There are some amazing displays where I live.

10. What is your favorite Disney movie/character?

Olaf from "Frozen."   He is cute and lovable.   I’m pretty sure my kids would approve of my choice.

11. What is your favorite blog post you have written?

My favorite blog post is Five Reasons Parents Stay Up Too Late.

I am nominating these awesome mom bloggers. Drum roll please!

Jaya from IQ Mom
Valerie from Atlanta Mom of Three
Lis from Lifeblooming

Now nominees, here are your 11 questions to answer:

1. Why did you start a blog?

2. What is your favorite family activity?

3. What is your biggest parenting fear?

4. What is your most popular blog post?

5. If you could travel anywhere, all expenses paid, where would you go?

6. What is your favorite season?

7. What is your favorite book to read to your children?

8. What is the best part about blogging?

9. ….And the worst?

10. Where is your favorite kid-friendly recreational spot to go (amusement park, park, etc)?

11. What is your favorite television program or movie?

Thanks again Katie for the nomination!  

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